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Welcome to the SellerChamp API! You can use our API to access SellerChamp API endpoints, to pull back orders, products, inventory, marketplace prices and more.

You can view code examples in the dark area to the right.


An API Token must be passed in inside the headers with every request. You can generate your API Token by logging into and navigating to Settings -> API Settings. Click the 'Generate API Key' button to generate your API Token.

Pass it as the header-key 'Token'.


The API is located at

Marketplace Accounts

GET marketplace_accounts

Returns all of your connected marketplace accounts (Amazon, eBay, Shopify, etc.)

Url format:


curl --request GET \
  --url ' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "marketplace_accounts": [
            "id": "5d516f51584085a850000013",
            "name": "MaryKom",
            "icon_black": "http://localhost:3000/assets/icons/src/amazon.svg",
            "icon_white": "http://localhost:3000/assets/icons/src/amazon-white.svg",
            "marketplace": "amazon",
            "marketplace_account_type": "AmazonAccount",
            "active": true,
            "manifest_folders": [
                    "id": "5d516f52584085a850000029",
                    "name": "All",
                    "internal_name": "all",
                    "position": 0
                    "id": "5d516f52584085a85000002a",
                    "name": "Active",
                    "internal_name": "active",
                    "position": 1
                    "id": "5d516f52584085a85000002b",
                    "name": "Drafts",
                    "internal_name": "drafts",
                    "position": 2
                    "id": "5d516f52584085a85000002c",
                    "name": "Channel Imports",
                    "internal_name": "channel_imports",
                    "position": 3
                    "id": "5d516f52584085a85000002d",
                    "name": "Archived",
                    "internal_name": "archived",
                    "position": 4
                    "id": "5e4cb620584085359200003e",
                    "name": "Purchase Orders",
                    "internal_name": "purchase_orders",
                    "position": 5
            "store_categories": [ { "external_id": 10027112133, "name": "Apparel > Accessories "}, { "external_id": 10027112183, "name": "BMX > Wheels" } ]

PUT marketplace_account

Updates marketplace_account specified by parameters id and marketplace_account_type

Url format:


curl -X PUT \ \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "marketplace_account": {
        "name": "My Ebay Account"

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
marketplace_account_type String The marketplace account type. One of [AmazonAccount, EbayAccount, ShopifyAccount, etc.]. Value can be fetched via API /api/marketplace_accounts

BODY Parameters

marketplace_account Parameters: A JSON object with the key "marketplace_account"

Name Data Type Description
name String The nickname of the marketplace account.


CREATE manifest with parameters

It will create the manifest according to your parameters along with the array of listing.

Url format:


curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'cache-control: no-cache,no-cache,no-cache' \
  --header 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  --data '{ "manifest" : {
    "name": "My Manifest",
    "marketplace_account_id" : "59e0f41007b6205968000016",
    "supplier_id" : "5c1902f207b620090a000026",
    "ship_from_address_id" : "59e0d31f07b6204cc8000000",
    "template_id" : "59e0d31f07b6204cc8000000",
    "product_listings_attributes" : [
            "asin" : "B07G22S48Q", "quantity" : "10", "item_condition" : "like_new", "upc" : "0123456789",
            "sku" : "S123", "title" : "My product title", "retail_price" : "10.00", "msrp_price": "20.00", "cost_price": "3.00",
            "item_location" : "SHELF A - BIN 1", "item_category" : "Clothing",
            "item_category_id" : "123", "item_remarks" : "Packaging is missing",
            "brand" : "Polo", "description" : "Green polo shirt", "features" : ['Green', 'Solid'],
            "details_html" : "More details here",
            "item_specifics" : [{"name"=>"Brand", "value"=>"Polo"}, {"name"=>"Size", "value"=>"Small"}] , "mpn" : null,
            "listing_format" : "fixed_price", "color" : "Green", "manufacturer" : "Polo", "model" : "",
            "part_number" : "", "listing_duration" : "GTC", "store_category_external_id" : "",
            "store_category_2_external_id" : "", "weight_in_pounds" : "0.2",
            "package_dimensions_length" : "10", "package_dimensions_width" : "10", "package_dimensions_height" : "14",
            "item_dimensions_length" : "10", "item_dimensions_width" : "10", "item_dimensions_height" : "14",
            "handling_time" : "1", "shipping_charge_type" : "", "global_shipping" : "false",
            "free_shipping" : "true", "shipping_service_code" : "", "shipping_service_cost" : "",
            "extra_shipping_service_cost" : "", "domestic_rate_table" : "false",
            "international_shipping_service_code" : "", "international_shipping_service_cost" : "",
            "extra_international_shipping_service_cost" : "", "international_ship_to_locations" : "",
            "international_rate_table" : "false", "return_in_days_value" : "30",
            "refund_policy_value" : "", "return_shipping_paid_by_value" : "",
            "quantity_in_case" : "", "cost_price" : "2.00", "expiration_date" : "2020-10-30", "fnsku" : "",
            "image_urls" : [''], "external_ids" : [], "variant_listings": [
                    variant_sku: 'V1', option1_name: 'Color', option1_value: 'Red', option2_name: 'Style', option2_value: 'Solid', asin: 'B00XX', upc: '12345', quantity: 10, retail_price: 10.00, item_location: 'A1'
                    variant_sku: 'V2', option1_name: 'Color', option1_value: 'Blue', option2_name: 'Style', option2_value: 'Checkered', asin: 'B00XX', upc: '12345', quantity: 10, retail_price: 10.00, item_location: 'A1'
} }'

BODY Parameters

manifest Parameters: should be a JSON object with the key "manifest"

Name Data Type Description
name String (required) Name of the Manifest. Example: 04-17-2019.
supplier_id String (optional) Supplier ID. Example: '59e0f41007b6205968000016'.
ship_from_address_id String (required) ID of ship from address Example: '59e0d31f07b6204cc8000000'.
marketplace_account_id String (required) ID of Marketplace Account. Example: '5c1902f207b620090a000026'.
template_id String (optional) Template ID. Example: '5c1902f207b620090a00003e'
seller_fulfilled Boolean (optional) If manifest should add items as merchant fulfilled or FBA. Applicable only for Amazon.
auto_submit Boolean (optional) Submit manifest to marketplace after all listings have been created.

product_listings_attributes Parameters: should be in array. Allows for multiple listing creation.

Name Data Type Description
asin String(Required) Listing ASIN. Example: B07G22S48Q.
quantity Integer(Optional) Quantity of the listing. Example: 2.
item_condition Integer(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [new, like_new, very_good, good, acceptable, refurbished, salvage] anyone. Example: like_new
upc String(Optional) Example: 883929635085
sku String(Optional) SKU of the listing. Example: AB883929635085.
title String(Required) Title of the listing. Example: DCU Justice League: Throne of Atlantis Commemorative Edition (BD) [Blu-ray].
retail_price Float(Optional) Retail Price of the listing. Example: 9.99
min_price Float(Optional) Minimum Price of the listing. Example: 7.99
max_price Float(Optional) Maximum Price of the listing. Example: 20.99
msrp_price Float(Optional) Manufactrer Suggested Retail Price of the listing. Example: 19.99
cost_price Float(Optional) Csot Price of the listing. Example: 2.99
color String(Optional) Example: Navy
manufacturer String(Optional) Example: Charmed
model String(Optional) Example: P3Q-00001
part_number String(Optional) Example: LE
listing_duration String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [days_1, days_3, days_5, days_7, days_10, days_30, gtc] anyone. Example: gtc
item_location String(Optional) Location of item in your warehouse.
item_category String(Optional) Hierarchy of the item category(parent>child). If ebay marketplace. Example: DVDs & Blu-ray Discs.
item_category_id String(Optional) Id of the item category. Example: 63861
item_remarks String(Optional) Example: Item will come in original packaging and includes all accessories. Item has been tested and is in full working condition. Comes with a 30-day warranty..
brand String(Optional) Example: Warner Manufacturing
description String(Optional) Description of the listing
features Array(Optional) Features of the product
details_html String(Optional) It is the HTML which contains item details with html tags. Example: <ul><li>Item Weight: 0.0 pounds</li><li>Shipping Weight: 0.0 pounds</li><li>Domestic Shipping: Item can be shipped within U.S.</li></ul>
item_specifics Array of JSON objects(Optional) Example: [{"name"=>"Brand", "value"=>"Update International", "source"=>"ItemSpecific"}, {"name"=>"UPC", "value"=>"793842123296", "source"=>"ItemSpecific"}]
mpn String Example: 90000032507
listing_format String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [fixed_price, auction] anyone. Example: fixed_price
store_category_external_id String(Optional) Example: 64789836013
store_category_2_external_id String(Optional) Example: 64789836013
weight_in_pounds Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
package_dimensions_length Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
package_dimensions_width Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
package_dimensions_height Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
item_dimensions_length Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
item_dimensions_width Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
item_dimensions_height Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
handling_time Integer(Optional) Example: 1
shipping_charge_type String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [flat, calculated, calculated_domestic_flat_international, flat_domestic_calculated_international, freight, freight_flat not_specified] anyone. Example: freight
global_shipping Boolean(Optional) Example: True
free_shipping Boolean(Optional) Example: True
shipping_service_code String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [Other, ShippingMethodStandard, ShippingMethodExpress, ShippingMethodOvernight, Pickup, FlatRateFreight, USPSFirstClass, USPSMedia, USPSPriority, USPSPriorityFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailSmallFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailLargeFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailLegalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSExpressMail, USPSExpressFlatRateEnvelope, USPSExpressMailLegalFlatRateEnvelope, UPSNextDayAir, UPSNextDay, UPS2ndDay, UPS3rdDay, UPSGround, FedExHomeDelivery, FedEx2Day, FedExExpressSaver, FedExStandardOvernight, FedExPriorityOvernight] anyone. Example: USPSFirstClass
shipping_service_cost Float(Optional) Example: 0.46
extra_shipping_service_cost String(Optional) Example: 0.3
domestic_rate_table Boolean(Optional) Example: False
international_shipping_service_code String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [US_IntlEconomyShippingFromGC, ExpeditedDeliveryToRussia, US_IntlExpeditedShippingFromGC, OtherInternational, ExpeditedInternational, US_RUTrackedFromChina, StandardInternational, US_IntlStandardShippingFromGC, USPSFirstClassMailInternational, USPSExpressMailInternational, USPSExpressMailInternationalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSExpressMailInternationalLegalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternational, USPSPriorityMailInternationalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternationalLargeFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailInternationalLegalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternationalFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailInternationalPaddedFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternationalSmallFlatRateBox, UPSStandardToCanada, UPSWorldWideExpedited, UPSWorldWideExpress, UPSWorldWideExpressPlus, UPSWorldwideSaver, FedExGroundInternationalToCanada, FedExInternationalEconomy, FedExInternationalPriority] anyone. Example: US_IntlEconomyShippingFromGC
international_shipping_service_cost Float(Optional) Example: 0.6
extra_international_shipping_service_cost Float(Optional) Example: 0.3
international_ship_to_locations Array(Optional) Example: ["CN", "CA"]
international_rate_table Boolean(Optional) Example: False
return_in_days_value String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [ReturnsNotAccepted, Days_30, Days_60] anyone. Example: Days_30
refund_policy_value String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [MoneyBack, MoneyBackOrReplacement, MoneyBackOrExchange] anyone. Example: MoneyBack
return_shipping_paid_by_value String(Optional) Example: Seller
expiration_date Date(Optional) Example: 2019-04-27
fnsku String(Optional) Example: 0060011831
image_urls Array(Optional) Array of image urls. Example [user.png, user1.png]
external_ids Array(Optional) Example: ["B07G22S48Q", "883929635085"]

variant_listings Parameters: A child array of a product_listing. Required if creating a product_listing with variants.

Name Data Type Description
variant_sku String (optional) The variant SKU
variant_alt_sku String (optional) The variant ALT SKU
position Integer (optional) The variant's position
option1_name String (required) The option name, ex: Color
option1_value String (required) The option value, ex: Red
option2_name String (optional) The option name, ex: Style
option2_value String (optional) The option value, ex: Checkered
option3_name String (optional) The option name
option3_value String (optional) The option value
option4_name String (optional) The option name
option4_value String (optional) The option value
retail_price Float (optional) The retail price of the variant
quantity Integer (optional) The quantity of the variant_listing
item_location String (optional) The variant's warehouse bin location
weight_in_pounds Float (optional) The variant's weight
title String (optional) The variant's title
image_urls Array (string) The variant's image urls

GET manifests

Returns back paged manifests optionally filtering by marketplace_account_id OR manifest_folder_id. Default page size is 25.

Url format:

/api/manifests?marketplace_account_id=5c1902f207b620090a000026 &manifest_folder_id=59e0d31f07b6204cc8000000&page=1&page_size=20

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "manifest": {
        "id": "5cb96fc707b62026d6000000",
        "name": "test",
        "supplier_id": "",
        "ship_from_address_id": "59e0d31f07b6204cc8000000",
        "created_at": "2019-04-19T06:50:47.455Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-04-19T06:50:47.455Z",
        "status": "created",
        "last_valid_status": "created",
        "status_message": null,
        "processing": null,
        "number": 590,
        "order_number": null,
        "phase": 1,
        "client_paid": false,
        "seller_fulfilled": true,
        "image_source": "stock",
        "label_prep": "merchant",
        "print_all_fba_labels": false,
        "print_fba_labels": "needed",
        "print_all_item_labels": false,
        "convert_images": null,
        "performing_action": null,
        "sku_prefix": "AB",
        "auto_location_enabled": false,
        "auto_location_prefix": "",
        "skip_box_content": false,
        "auto_create_shipments": false,
        "auto_print_exp_dates": true,
        "prefill_product_data": true,
        "product_listings_count": 0,
        "item_present_option": "inc_quantity",
        "multiple_matches_pick_strategy": "none",
        "manifest_folder_id": "5c6496e307b6205dce000001",
        "processing_company_id": "",
        "marketplace_account_type": "EbayAccount",
        "marketplace_account_id": "5c1902f207b620090a000026",
        "client_id": "59dd22f507b6201961000000",
        "contact_id": "",
        "template_type": "EbayTemplate",
        "template_id": "5c1902f207b620090a00003e",
        "manifest_xls_file_name": null,
        "manifest_xls_content_type": null,
        "manifest_xls_file_size": null,
        "manifest_xls_updated_at": null,
        "manifest_xls_fingerprint": null,
        "version": null,
        "modifier_id": "",
        "_keywords": [

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
marketplace_account_id String (optional) The marketplace_account_id for which to fetch manifests.
manifest_folder_id String (optional) The manifest_folder_id for which to fetch manifests

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "manifests": [
            "id": "5e7514fa07b6201d69000263",
            "name": "03-20-2020",
            "supplier_id": "",
            "ship_from_address_id": "5d1c7a6107b6200724000012",
            "created_at": "2020-03-20T19:09:46.209Z",
            "updated_at": "2020-03-20T19:09:46.209Z",
            "status": "created",
            "last_valid_status": "created",
            "status_message": null,
            "processing": null,
            "number": 51871,
            "order_number": "",
            "phase": 1,
            "seller_fulfilled": true,
            "image_source": "stock",
            "label_prep": "merchant",
            "print_all_fba_labels": false,
            "print_fba_labels": "needed",
            "print_all_item_labels": false,
            "convert_images": null,
            "performing_action": null,
            "sku_prefix": "",
            "auto_location_enabled": false,
            "auto_location_prefix": "",
            "skip_box_content": false,
            "auto_create_shipments": false,
            "auto_print_exp_dates": true,
            "prefill_product_data": true,
            "product_listings_count": 1,
            "item_present_option": "inc_quantity",
            "multiple_matches_pick_strategy": "none",
            "manifest_folder_id": "5e2fb23d07b62074fe000027",
            "processing_company_id": "",
            "marketplace_account_type": "EbayAccount",
            "marketplace_account_id": "5e2fb23d07b62074fe000011",
            "client_id": "5cfc419d07b6200b87000000",
            "contact_id": "",
            "template_type": "EbayTemplate",
            "template_id": "5e2fb23d07b62074fe000033",
            "manifest_xls_file_name": null,
            "manifest_xls_content_type": null,
            "manifest_xls_file_size": null,
            "manifest_xls_updated_at": null,
            "manifest_xls_fingerprint": null,
            "version": 1,
            "modifier_id": "",
            "_keywords": [

Product Listings

GET product_listings for a manifest_id

Returns back paged product_listings for a given manifest_id. Default page size is 25.

Url format:


# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

 Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "product_listings": [
            "id": "5e73df57584085c982000305",
            "product_id": "5e73df57584085c9820002fe",
            "manifest_id": "5e6ec5a5584085af1800013d",
            "marketplace_account_id": "5d50c6735840854a3900002c",
            "sku": "S127K7Z8YH4Q",
            "asin": "B07NLMXG57",
            "title": "Style & Co. Womens Louiza Low Top Slip On Fashion Sneakers, Navy, Size 8.5",
            "quantity": 1,
            "quantity_listed": 1,
            "retail_price": 10.00,
            "msrp": 20.00,
            "min_price": 2.00,
            "max_price": 20.00,
            "cost_price": 0.50,
            "map_price": 10.00,
            "handling_cost": 2.00,
            "shipping_cost": 3.00,
            "misc_cost": 1.00,
            "item_condition": "new",
            "item_location": null,
            "variant_listings": [
                    "id": "5f729cabd8a35f6298bf1908",
                    "variant_id": "5f729ca9d8a35f6298bf18db",
                    "product_listing_id": "5f729c29d8a35f63fb159780",
                    "option1_name": "Color",
                    "option1_value": "BLACK",
                    "option2_name": "Size",
                    "option2_value": "10-13",
                    "option3_name": null,
                    "option3_value": null,
                    "option4_name": null,
                    "option4_value": null,
                    "sku": "BLACK-10-13",
                    "alt_sku": null,
                    "position": 0,
                    "title": null,
                    "upc": "732755004384",
                    "asin": "B07GJJK5TF",
                    "item_location": null,
                    "quantity": null,
                    "retail_price": 999.99,
                    "weight_in_pounds": null
                    "id": "5f729cabd8a35f6298bf190a",
                    "variant_id": "5f729ca9d8a35f6298bf18e0",
                    "product_listing_id": "5f729c29d8a35f63fb159780",
                    "option1_name": "Color",
                    "option1_value": "DENIM BLUE",
                    "option2_name": "Size",
                    "option2_value": "10-13",
                    "option3_name": null,
                    "option3_value": null,
                    "option4_name": null,
                    "option4_value": null,
                    "sku": "DENIM BLUE-10-13",
                    "alt_sku": null,
                    "position": 1,
                    "title": null,
                    "upc": "732755004537",
                    "asin": "B07H5JTKFV",
                    "item_location": null,
                    "quantity": null,
                    "retail_price": 999.99,
                    "weight_in_pounds": null
                    "id": "5f729cabd8a35f6298bf190b",
                    "variant_id": "5f729ca9d8a35f6298bf18e5",
                    "product_listing_id": "5f729c29d8a35f63fb159780",
                    "option1_name": "Color",
                    "option1_value": "MIX",
                    "option2_name": "Size",
                    "option2_value": "10-13",
                    "option3_name": null,
                    "option3_value": null,
                    "option4_name": null,
                    "option4_value": null,
                    "sku": "MIX-10-13",
                    "alt_sku": null,
                    "position": 2,
                    "title": null,
                    "upc": "732755004407",
                    "asin": "B07GJ8QGR7",
                    "item_location": null,
                    "quantity": null,
                    "retail_price": 999.99,
                    "weight_in_pounds": null
                    "id": "5f729cacd8a35f6298bf190c",
                    "variant_id": "5f729ca9d8a35f6298bf18ea",
                    "product_listing_id": "5f729c29d8a35f63fb159780",
                    "option1_name": "Color",
                    "option1_value": "WHITE",
                    "option2_name": "Size",
                    "option2_value": "10-13",
                    "option3_name": null,
                    "option3_value": null,
                    "option4_name": null,
                    "option4_value": null,
                    "sku": "WHITE-10-13",
                    "alt_sku": null,
                    "position": 3,
                    "title": null,
                    "upc": "732755004391",
                    "asin": "B07GJCZSWN",
                    "item_location": null,
                    "quantity": null,
                    "retail_price": 999.99,
                    "weight_in_pounds": null
            "list_status": "okay_to_ship",
            "list_status_error_detail": null,
            "list_status_error_detail_2": null,
            "errors": {}
            "id": "5e6ed77e584085706800007a",
            "product_id": "5e6ed77e5840857068000076",
            "manifest_id": "5e6ec5a5584085af1800013d",
            "marketplace_account_id": "5d50c6735840854a3900002c",
            "sku": "S127K7TSO3BZ",
            "asin": "B01DE7MNEQ",
            "title": "Lego Scooby-Doo: Haunted Hollywood",
            "quantity": 2,
            "quantity_listed": 0,
            "retail_price": 10.00,
            "msrp": 20.00,
            "min_price": 2.00,
            "max_price": 20.00,
            "cost_price": 0.50,
            "item_condition": "new",
            "item_location": null,
            "product_images": [
                    "id": "5e6ed77e5840857068000078",
                    "product_id": "5e6ed77e5840857068000076",
                    "product_name": "Lego Scooby-Doo: Haunted Hollywood",
                    "position": null,
                    "original_image_url": "",
                    "small_image_url": null,
                    "medium_image_url": null,
                    "large_image_url": ""
            "list_status": "restricted_listing",
            "list_status_error_detail": "'Lego Scooby-Doo: Haunted Hollywood' has been known to cause copyright infringement complaint: .",
            "list_status_error_detail_2": null,
            "errors": {}

CREATE product_listings

It will create product_listings inside the specified manifest.

Url format:


curl --request POST \
  --url{manifest_id}/product_listings \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'cache-control: no-cache,no-cache,no-cache' \
  --header 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  --data '{
    "product_listings_attributes" : [
            "asin" : "B07G22S48Q", "quantity" : "10", "item_condition" : "like_new",
            "upc" : "0123456789", "sku" : "S123", "title" : "My product title",
            "retail_price" : "10.00", "msrp_price": 20.00, "cost_price": 2.00, "item_location" : "SHELF A - BIN 1",
            "item_category" : "Clothing", "item_category_id" : "123", "item_remarks" : "Packaging is missing",
            "brand" : "Polo", "description" : "Green polo shirt", "features" : ['Green', 'Solid'],
            "details_html" : "More details here",
            "item_specifics" : [{"name"=>"Brand", "value"=>"Polo"}, {"name"=>"Size", "value"=>"Small"}] ,
            "mpn" : null, "listing_format" : "fixed_price", "color" : "Green",
            "manufacturer" : "Polo", "model" : "", "part_number" : "",
            "listing_duration" : "GTC", "store_category_external_id" : "","store_category_2_external_id" : "",
            "weight_in_pounds" : "0.2", "package_dimensions_length" : "10", "package_dimensions_width" : "10", "package_dimensions_height" : "14",
            "item_dimensions_length" : "10", "item_dimensions_width" : "10", "item_dimensions_height" : "14",
            "handling_time" : "1", "shipping_charge_type" : "", "global_shipping" : "false", "free_shipping" : "true",
            "shipping_service_code" : "", "shipping_service_cost" : "", "extra_shipping_service_cost" : "","domestic_rate_table" : "false",
            "international_shipping_service_code" : "", "international_shipping_service_cost" : "",
            "extra_international_shipping_service_cost" : "", "international_ship_to_locations" : "", "international_rate_table" : "false",
            "return_in_days_value" : "30", "refund_policy_value" : "", "return_shipping_paid_by_value" : "",
            "quantity_in_case" : "", "expiration_date" : "2020-10-30", "fnsku" : "", "image_urls" : [''], "external_ids" : [],
            variant_listings: [
                    variant_sku: 'V1', option1_name: 'Color', option1_value: 'Red', option2_name: 'Style', option2_value: 'Solid', asin: 'B00XX', upc: '12345', quantity: 10, retail_price: 10.00, item_location: 'A1'
                    variant_sku: 'V2', option1_name: 'Color', option1_value: 'Blue', option2_name: 'Style', option2_value: 'Checkered', asin: 'B00XX', upc: '12345', quantity: 10, retail_price: 10.00, item_location: 'A1'
    ] }'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "manifest": {
        "id": "5cb96fc707b62026d6000000",
        "name": "test",
        "supplier_id": "",
        "ship_from_address_id": "59e0d31f07b6204cc8000000",
        "created_at": "2019-04-19T06:50:47.455Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-04-19T06:50:47.455Z",
        "status": "created",
        "last_valid_status": "created",
        "status_message": null,
        "processing": null,
        "number": 590,
        "order_number": null,
        "phase": 1,
        "client_paid": false,
        "seller_fulfilled": true,
        "image_source": "stock",
        "label_prep": "merchant",
        "print_all_fba_labels": false,
        "print_fba_labels": "needed",
        "print_all_item_labels": false,
        "convert_images": null,
        "performing_action": null,
        "sku_prefix": "AB",
        "auto_location_enabled": false,
        "auto_location_prefix": "",
        "skip_box_content": false,
        "auto_create_shipments": false,
        "auto_print_exp_dates": true,
        "prefill_product_data": true,
        "product_listings_count": 0,
        "item_present_option": "inc_quantity",
        "multiple_matches_pick_strategy": "none",
        "manifest_folder_id": "5c6496e307b6205dce000001",
        "processing_company_id": "",
        "marketplace_account_type": "EbayAccount",
        "marketplace_account_id": "5c1902f207b620090a000026",
        "client_id": "59dd22f507b6201961000000",
        "contact_id": "",
        "template_type": "EbayTemplate",
        "template_id": "5c1902f207b620090a00003e",
        "manifest_xls_file_name": null,
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        "manifest_xls_file_size": null,
        "manifest_xls_updated_at": null,
        "manifest_xls_fingerprint": null,
        "version": null,
        "modifier_id": "",
        "_keywords": [

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
auto_submit Boolean (optional) Should manifest be submitted after listing creations.

BODY Parameters

product_listings_attributes Parameters: Should be in array. Allows for multiple listing creation.

Name Data Type Description
asin String(Required) Listing ASIN. Example: B07G22S48Q.
quantity Integer(Optional) Quantity of the listing. Example: 2.
item_condition Integer(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [new, like_new, very_good, good, acceptable, refurbished, salvage] anyone. Example: like_new
upc String(Optional) Example: 883929635085
sku String(Optional) SKU of the listing. Example: AB883929635085.
title String(Required) Title of the listing. Example: DCU Justice League: Throne of Atlantis Commemorative Edition (BD) [Blu-ray].
retail_price Float(Optional) Retail Price of the listing. Example: 9.99
min_price Float(Optional) Minimum Price of the listing. Example: 7.99
max_price Float(Optional) Maximum Price of the listing. Example: 20.99
msrp_price Float (optional) Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price. Example: 20.00
cost_price Float (optional) Cost Price of the list. Example: 3.00
color String(Optional) Example: Navy
manufacturer String(Optional) Example: Charmed
model String(Optional) Example: P3Q-00001
part_number String(Optional) Example: LE
listing_duration String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [days_1, days_3, days_5, days_7, days_10, days_30, gtc] anyone. Example: gtc
item_location String(Optional) Location of item in your warehouse.
item_category String(Optional) Hierarchy of the item category(parent>child). If ebay marketplace. Example: DVDs & Blu-ray Discs.
item_category_id String(Optional) Id of the item category. Example: 63861
item_remarks String(Optional) Example: Item will come in original packaging and includes all accessories. Item has been tested and is in full working condition. Comes with a 30-day warranty..
brand String(Optional) Example: Warner Manufacturing
description String(Optional) Description of the listing
features Array(Optional) Features of the product
details_html String(Optional) It is the HTML which contains item details with html tags. Example: <ul><li>Item Weight: 0.0 pounds</li><li>Shipping Weight: 0.0 pounds</li><li>Domestic Shipping: Item can be shipped within U.S.</li></ul>
item_specifics Array of JSON objects(Optional) Example: [{"name"=>"Brand", "value"=>"Update International", "source"=>"ItemSpecific"}, {"name"=>"UPC", "value"=>"793842123296", "source"=>"ItemSpecific"}]
mpn String Example: 90000032507
listing_format String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [fixed_price, auction] anyone. Example: fixed_price
store_category_external_id String(Optional) Example: 64789836013
store_category_2_external_id String(Optional) Example: 64789836013
weight_in_pounds Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
package_dimensions_length Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
package_dimensions_width Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
package_dimensions_height Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
item_dimensions_length Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
item_dimensions_width Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
item_dimensions_height Float(Optional) Example: 0.0
handling_time Integer(Optional) Example: 1
shipping_charge_type String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [flat, calculated, calculated_domestic_flat_international, flat_domestic_calculated_international, freight, freight_flat not_specified] anyone. Example: freight
global_shipping Boolean(Optional) Example: True
free_shipping Boolean(Optional) Example: True
shipping_service_code String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [Other, ShippingMethodStandard, ShippingMethodExpress, ShippingMethodOvernight, Pickup, FlatRateFreight, USPSFirstClass, USPSMedia, USPSPriority, USPSPriorityFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailSmallFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailLargeFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailLegalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSExpressMail, USPSExpressFlatRateEnvelope, USPSExpressMailLegalFlatRateEnvelope, UPSNextDayAir, UPSNextDay, UPS2ndDay, UPS3rdDay, UPSGround, FedExHomeDelivery, FedEx2Day, FedExExpressSaver, FedExStandardOvernight, FedExPriorityOvernight] anyone. Example: USPSFirstClass
shipping_service_cost Float(Optional) Example: 0.46
extra_shipping_service_cost String(Optional) Example: 0.3
domestic_rate_table Boolean(Optional) Example: False
international_shipping_service_code String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [US_IntlEconomyShippingFromGC, ExpeditedDeliveryToRussia, US_IntlExpeditedShippingFromGC, OtherInternational, ExpeditedInternational, US_RUTrackedFromChina, StandardInternational, US_IntlStandardShippingFromGC, USPSFirstClassMailInternational, USPSExpressMailInternational, USPSExpressMailInternationalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSExpressMailInternationalLegalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternational, USPSPriorityMailInternationalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternationalLargeFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailInternationalLegalFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternationalFlatRateBox, USPSPriorityMailInternationalPaddedFlatRateEnvelope, USPSPriorityMailInternationalSmallFlatRateBox, UPSStandardToCanada, UPSWorldWideExpedited, UPSWorldWideExpress, UPSWorldWideExpressPlus, UPSWorldwideSaver, FedExGroundInternationalToCanada, FedExInternationalEconomy, FedExInternationalPriority] anyone. Example: US_IntlEconomyShippingFromGC
international_shipping_service_cost Float(Optional) Example: 0.6
extra_international_shipping_service_cost Float(Optional) Example: 0.3
international_ship_to_locations Array(Optional) Example: ["CN", "CA"]
international_rate_table Boolean(Optional) Example: False
return_in_days_value String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [ReturnsNotAccepted, Days_30, Days_60] anyone. Example: Days_30
refund_policy_value String(Optional) It is an enum consist of the following values: [MoneyBack, MoneyBackOrReplacement, MoneyBackOrExchange] anyone. Example: MoneyBack
return_shipping_paid_by_value String(Optional) Example: Seller
expiration_date Date(Optional) Example: 2019-04-27
fnsku String(Optional) Example: 0060011831
image_urls Array(Optional) Array of image urls. Example [user.png, user1.png]
external_ids Array(Optional) Example: ["B07G22S48Q", "883929635085"]

variant_listings Parameters: A child array of a product_listing. Required if product listing contains variants

Name Data Type Description
variant_sku String (optional) The variant SKU
variant_alt_sku String (optional) The variant ALT SKU
position Integer (optional) The variant's position
option1_name String (required) The option name, ex: Color
option1_value String (required) The option value, ex: Red
option2_name String (optional) The option name, ex: Style
option2_value String (optional) The option value, ex: Checkered
option3_name String (optional) The option name
option3_value String (optional) The option value
option4_name String (optional) The option name
option4_value String (optional) The option value
retail_price Float (optional) The retail price of the variant
quantity Integer (optional) The quantity of the variant_listing
item_location String (optional) The variant's warehouse bin location
weight_in_pounds Float (optional) The variant's weight
title String (optional) The variant's title
image_urls Array (string) The variant's image urls

DELETE product_listing

Deletes a product_listing from the manifest.

Url format:


curl -X DELETE \
  'http://localhost:3000/api/manifests/5e73df57584085c9820002fe/product_litings/5e73df57584085c9820002fe.json' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.


GET products

Returns back paged products optionally filtering by search parameters. Default page size is 50.

Url format:


URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
marketplace_account_id String (optional) The marketplace_account_id for which to fetch products.
sku String (optional) The product SKU to search for (case-sensitive)
asin String (optional) The product ASIN to search for
upc String (optional) The product UPC/ISBN/EAN to search for
marketplace_id String (optional) The product marketplace_id (ex: eBay Item ID) to search for
created_at_start String (optional) Returns products that were created after the specified date Example: 2015-01-01T00:00:00
created_at_end String (optional) Returns products that were created before the specified date Example: 2015-01-30T00:00:00
updated_at_start String (optional) Returns products that were upated after the specified date Example: 2015-01-01T00:00:00
updated_at_end String (optional) Returns products that were updated before the specified date Example: 2015-01-01T00:00:00
tag String (optional) Returns products that have this tag. NOTE: Use this to search for products that have just one tag.
tags_array String (optional) Returns products that have exactly the specified tags. NOTE: Use this to search for products that have multiple tags. Ex: tags_array[]=A&tags_array[]=B
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

 Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "products": [
            "id": "5e9316fb07b620137a000144",
            "marketplace_account_id": "5e2fb23d07b62074fe000011",
            "sku": "QVC3-026",
            "alt_sku": null,
            "asin": null,
            "fnsku": null,
            "upc": null,
            "title": "Bethlehem Lights 8.5\" Metallic Scroll Aqua, Red,",
            "quantity_available": 0,
            "quantity_listed": 0,
            "retail_price": 10.00,
            "msrp": 20.00,
            "min_price": 2.00,
            "max_price": 20.00,
            "map_price": 15.00,
            "cost_price": 1.00,
            "handling_cost": 1.00,
            "shipping_cost": 2.00,
            "misc_cost": 1.00,
            "handling_time": 2,
            "marketplace_status": "inactive",
            "marketplace_id": null,
            "item_condition": "new",
            "ebay_item_condition_id": 1000,
            "description": "Soothe your senses. Enjoy the calming sounds of flowing water along with alluring ambient light from this Bethlehem Lights AquaFlame candle. The flameless wick and five-hour timer provide worry-free enjoyment. From Bethlehem Lights.",
            "item_remarks": "Items comes in a sealed package.",
            "features": [
                "Embossed scroll AquaFlame water fountain and flameless candle",
                "Five ambient LED lights",
                "Five-hour timer",
                "Requires included adapter or 3 D batteries",
                " not included",
                "Indoor use only",
                "Measures approximately 8-1/2\"H x 5\"Diam"
            "features_html": null,
            "item_specifics": [
                    "name": "Color",
                    "value": "Red"
            "item_category": "Travel > Travel Accessories > Locks",
            "item_category_hierarchy": "Travel > Travel Accessories > Locks",
            "item_category_id": "164796",
            "store_category_external_id": "1",
            "store_category_2_external_id": "0",
            "brand": "Bethlehem Lights",
            "color": null,
            "mpn": null,
            "weight_in_pounds": null,
            "package_weight_in_pounds": null,
            "item_dimensions": {
                "unit": "inches",
                "length": 10.0,
                "width": 12.0,
                "height": 6.0
            "package_dimensions": {
                "unit": null,
                "length": null,
                "width": null,
                "height": null
            "inventory_locations": [],
            "variants": [
                   "id": "5f729ca9d8a35f6298bf18db",
                   "option1_name": "Color",
                   "option1_value": "BLACK",
                   "option2_name": "Size",
                   "option2_value": "10-13",
                   "option3_name": null,
                   "option3_value": null,
                   "option4_name": null,
                   "option4_value": null,
                   "sku": "BLACK-10-13",
                   "alt_sku": null,
                   "position": 0,
                   "title": null,
                   "upc": "732755004384",
                   "asin": "B07GJJK5TF",
                   "item_location": null,
                   "quantity_available": 0,
                   "retail_price": 999.99,
                   "weight_in_pounds": null,
                   "inventory_locations": []

GET product

Returns back the product for the specified id.

Url format:


URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
product_id String (optional) The ID for the product to fetch.
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

 Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.
    "product": {
        "id": "5e9316fb07b620137a000144",
        "marketplace_account_id": "5e2fb23d07b62074fe000011",
        "sku": "QVC3-026",
        "alt_sku": "QVC3",
        "asin": null,
        "fnsku": null,
        "upc": null,
        "title": "Bethlehem Lights 8.5\" Metallic Scroll Aqua, Red,",
        "quantity_available": 0,
        "quantity_listed": 0,
        "awaiting_pick": 1,
        "awaiting_paid": 1,
        "retail_price": 10.00,
        "msrp": 20.00,
        "min_price": 2.00,
        "max_price": 20.00,
        "map_price": 15.00,
        "cost_price": 1.00,
        "handling_cost": 1.00,
        "shipping_cost": 2.00,
        "misc_cost": 1.00,
        "use_ebay_business_policies": false,
        "ebay_payment_policy_id": null,
        "ebay_payment_policy_name": null,
        "ebay_return_policy_id": null,
        "ebay_return_policy_name": null,
        "ebay_shipping_policy_id": null,
        "ebay_shipping_policy_name": null,
        "marketplace_status": "inactive",
        "marketplace_id": null,
        "item_condition": "new",
        "ebay_item_condition_id": 1000,
        "description": "Soothe your senses. Enjoy the calming sounds of flowing water along with alluring ambient light from this Bethlehem Lights AquaFlame candle. The flameless wick and five-hour timer provide worry-free enjoyment. From Bethlehem Lights.",
        "item_remarks": "Item comes in a sealed package.",
        "features": [
            "Embossed scroll AquaFlame water fountain and flameless candle",
            "Five ambient LED lights",
            "Five-hour timer",
            "Requires included adapter or 3 D batteries",
            " not included",
            "Indoor use only",
            "Measures approximately 8-1/2\"H x 5\"Diam"
        "features_html": null,
        "item_specifics": [
                "name": "Color",
                "value": "Red"
        "item_category": "Travel > Travel Accessories > Locks",
        "item_category_hierarchy": "Travel > Travel Accessories > Locks",
        "item_category_id": "164796",
        "store_category_external_id": "1",
        "store_category_2_external_id": "0",
        "brand": "Bethlehem Lights",
        "color": null,
        "mpn": null,
        "weight_in_pounds": null,
        "package_weight_in_pounds": null,
        "item_dimensions": {
            "unit": "inches",
            "length": 10.0,
            "width": 12.0,
            "height": 6.0
        "package_dimensions": {
            "unit": null,
            "length": null,
            "width": null,
            "height": null
        "inventory_locations": [],
        "product_images": [
                "id": "5f729c7bd8a35f63fb1597ab",
                "product_id": "5f729c29d8a35f63fb159777",
                "product_name": "JOURNOW 10 Pairs Men's Cotton Extra Heavy Cushion Crew Socks",
                "position": 1,
                "original_image_url": "",
                "small_image_url": null,
                "medium_image_url": null,
                "large_image_url": ""
        "variants": [
               "id": "5f729ca9d8a35f6298bf18db",
               "option1_name": "Color",
               "option1_value": "BLACK",
               "option2_name": "Size",
               "option2_value": "10-13",
               "option3_name": null,
               "option3_value": null,
               "option4_name": null,
               "option4_value": null,
               "sku": "BLACK-10-13",
               "alt_sku": null,
               "position": 0,
               "title": null,
               "upc": "732755004384",
               "asin": "B07GJJK5TF",
               "item_location": null,
               "quantity_available": 0,
               "retail_price": 999.99,
               "weight_in_pounds": null,
               "inventory_locations": [],
               "images": [
                       "id": "5f729cadd8a35f6298bf1918",
                       "position": 0,
                       "option_name": "Color",
                       "option_value": "BLACK",
                       "product_image": {
                           "id": "5f729cadd8a35f6298bf1916",
                           "product_id": "5f729c29d8a35f63fb159777",
                           "product_name": "JOURNOW 10 Pairs Men's Cotton Extra Heavy Cushion Crew Socks",
                           "position": 1,
                           "original_image_url": "",
                           "small_image_url": null,
                           "medium_image_url": null,
                           "large_image_url": ""
        "domestic_shipping_methods": [ { "shipping_service": "Standard" } ],
        "international_shipping_methods": [ { "shipping_service": "InternationalStandard" } ]

PUT product

Updates the product with the specified ID.

Url format:


curl -X PUT \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  -d '{
    "product": {
        "alt_sku": "ABC1",
        "sku": "ABC",
        "asin": "B001234567",
        "upc": "0123456790",
        "title": "New Title",
        "quantity_available": 2,
        "retail_price": 10.00,
        "cost_price": 3.00,
        "msrp_price": 25.00,
        "min_price": 15.00,
        "max_price": 99.99,
        "map_price": 15.00,
        "handling_cost": 1.00,
        "shipping_cost": 2.00,
        "misc_cost": 1.00,
        "handling_time": 1,
        "charity_percentage": 1.0,
        "charity_id": "No",
        "ebay_item_condition_id": 1000,
        "fulfillment_provider_account_id": "5fdc7195e2d895171f9b87ae",
        "fulfillment_provider_sku": "S123",
        "item_remarks": "Item comes in a sealed package.",
        "use_ebay_business_policies": true,
        "ebay_payment_policy_id": 1234,
        "ebay_return_policy_name": "required_if_id_missing",
        "ebay_shipping_policy_id": 4566,
        "ebay_shipping_policy_name": "optional_if_id_specified",
        "store_category_external_id": 1,
        "description": "Soothe your senses. Enjoy the calming sounds of flowing water along with alluring ambient light from this Bethlehem Lights AquaFlame candle. The flameless wick and five-hour timer provide worry-free enjoyment. From Bethlehem Lights.",
        "tags_array": ['tag1','tag2']

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
relist Boolean Should the product get relisted on the marketplace if inactive

BODY Parameter

product Parameters: A JSON object with the key "product"

Name Data Type Description
sku String Product's SKU
alt_sku String Product's ALT SKU, if any
asin String Amazon ASIN for this product
upc String UPC for this product
title String Product title
description String Product description (can contain HTML)
ebay_item_condition_id Integer Ebay Item Condition ID for your product. Refer to eBay's documentation for the various values.
item_remarks String Item condition remarks for this product
retail_price Float Product's selling price. Example: 9.99
min_price Float Product's minimum price. Example: 7.99
max_price Float Product's maximum price. Example: 20.99
cost_price Float Product's cost price
handling_cost Float Product's handling cost
shipping_cost Float Product's shipping cost
misc_cost Float Any miscellaneous cost associated with fulfilling the product
msrp_price Float Product's MSRP
map_price Float Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) for the product
handling_time Integer Product's handling time (in days)
charity_percentage Float Product's Charity Percentage
charity_id String Product's Charity Id
quantity_available Integer Product quantity available for purchase
fulfillment_provider_account_id String ID of Fulfillment Provider account Example: '5fdc7195e2d895171f9b87ae'.
fulfillment_provider_sku String SKU of Fulfillment Provider. Example: S123.
use_ebay_business_policies Boolean Switch to/from using ebay business policies?
ebay_payment_policy_id String The eBay Payment Policy ID
ebay_payment_policy_name String The eBay Payment Policy Name (if updating you can specify ID or name)
ebay_shipping_policy_id String The eBay Shipping Policy ID
ebay_shipping_policy_name String The eBay Shipping Policy Name (if updating you can specify ID or name)
ebay_return_policy_id String The eBay Return Policy ID
ebay_return_policy_name String The eBay Return Policy Name (if updating you can specify ID or name)
store_category_external_id String The eBay Store Category ID
store_category_2_external_id String The eBay Store Category ID
tags_array Array Product tags to apply (will replace existing tags)

DELETE product

Deletes a product, optionally ending the listing on the marketplace.

Url format:


curl -X DELETE \
  'http://localhost:3000/api/products/5e73df57584085c9820002fe.json?delete_product=true&end_listing_on_marketplace=true&delete_listing_on_marketplace=true&delete_linked_products=true' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
delete_product Boolean Indicates if product should be deleted from the SellerChamp database
end_listing_on_marketplace Boolean Indicates if listing should be ended on the marketplace
delete_listing_on_marketplace Boolean Indicates if listing should be entirely removed from marketplace
delete_linked_products Boolean Indicates if linked products should also be removed

Bulk Update Products

PUT bulk_update_products

Update multiple products. Maximum 1,000 items can be sent per api call.

Url format:


curl -X PUT \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  -d '{
        "id": "62557f505e8edd17829f20ff",
        "title": "New Title",
        "quantity_available": 2,
        "retail_price": 10.00,
        "cost_price": 3.00,
        "msrp_price": 15.00,
        "item_remarks": "Item will come in original packaging and includes all accessories.  Item has been tested and is in full working condition.  Comes with a 30-day warranty.",
        "fulfillment_provider_account_id": "5fdc7195e2d895171f9b87ae",
        "fulfillment_provider_sku": "S123"
        "tags_array": ['tag1','tag2']
        "id": "62557f505e8edd17829f20f2",
        "title": "New Title1",
        "quantity_available": 4,
        "retail_price": 20.00,
        "cost_price": 4.00,
        "msrp_price": 16.00,
        "use_ebay_business_policies": true,
        "ebay_payment_policy_id": 1234,
        "ebay_return_policy_name": "required_if_id_missing",
        "ebay_shipping_policy_id": 4566,
        "ebay_shipping_policy_name": "optional_if_id_specified",
        "store_category_external_id": 1,
        "handling_time": 2,
        "item_remarks": "Item may or may not come in original packaging.  Item has been inspected and tested and is in full working condition.  Comes with a 30-day warranty.",
        "fulfillment_provider_account_id": "5fdc7195e2d895171f9b87ae",
        "fulfillment_provider_sku": "S123"
        "tags_array": ['tag1','tag2']

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.


Name Data Type Description
id String Product's id
title String Product's title
sku String Product's SKU
alt_sku String Product's ALT SKU, if any
asin String Amazon ASIN for this product
upc String UPC for this product
description String Product description (can contain HTML)
ebay_item_condition_id Integer Ebay Item Condition ID for your product. Refer to eBay's documentation for the various values.
retail_price Float Product's selling price. Example: 9.99
min_price Float Product's minimum price. Example: 7.99
max_price Float Product's maximum price. Example: 20.99
msrp_price Float Product's MSRP
map_price Float Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) for the product
cost_price Float Product's cost price
shipping_cost Float Product's shipping cost
handling_cost Float Product's handling cost
misc_cost Float Any miscellaneous cost associated with fulfilling the product
handling_time Integer Product's handling time (in days)
charity_percentage Float Product's Charity Percentage
charity_id String Product's Charity Id
item_remarks String Product's item remarks
quantity_available Integer Product quantity available for purchase
fulfillment_provider_account_id String ID of Fulfillment Provider account Example: '5fdc7195e2d895171f9b87ae'.
fulfillment_provider_sku String SKU of Fulfillment Provider. Example: S123.
use_ebay_business_policies Boolean Switch to/from using ebay business policies?
ebay_payment_policy_id String The eBay Payment Policy ID
ebay_payment_policy_name String The eBay Payment Policy Name (if updating you can specify ID or name)
ebay_shipping_policy_id String The eBay Shipping Policy ID
ebay_shipping_policy_name String The eBay Shipping Policy Name (if updating you can specify ID or name)
ebay_return_policy_id String The eBay Return Policy ID
ebay_return_policy_name String The eBay Return Policy Name (if updating you can specify ID or name)
store_category_external_id String The eBay Store Category ID
store_category_2_external_id String The eBay Store Category ID
tags_array Array Product tags to apply (will replace existing tags)

Product Images

GET product_images

Returns back product_images for a product

Url format:


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "product_images": [
            "id": "5e73df8a584085c98200030a",
            "product_id": "5e73df57584085c9820002fe",
            "product_name": "New Title",
            "position": 1,
            "original_image_url": "",
            "small_image_url": null,
            "medium_image_url": null,
            "large_image_url": ""
            "id": "5e73df8a584085c98200030b",
            "product_id": "5e73df57584085c9820002fe",
            "product_name": "New Title",
            "position": 1,
            "original_image_url": "",
            "small_image_url": null,
            "medium_image_url": null,
            "large_image_url": ""

CREATE product_images

Adds an image to an existing product

Url format:


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  -F 'product_image[group_name]=primary' \
  -F 'product_image[attachment]=@s-l1600 (1).jpg'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

FORM DATA Parameters

Name Data Type Description
product_image[group_name] String Image group (primary or variant)
product_image[attachment] File The image attachment

DELETE product_image

Removes an image from an existing product

Url format:


curl -X DELETE \
  '' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

Inventory Locations

GET inventory_locations

Returns back current inventory locations for a product

Url format:


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "inventory_locations": [
      "id": "623ac488827d2931da38a7aa",
      "location": "DVD RACK 01-F-2.4.22-10",
      "quantity_available": 7,
      "awaiting_pick": 0,
      "priority": 1,
      "delete_if_empty": true
      "id": "623b4abf827d294a0c8aff00",
      "location": "A1",
      "quantity_available": 1,
      "awaiting_pick": 0,
      "priority": 2,
      "delete_if_empty": true
      "id": "623b4acc827d294a0c8aff06",
      "location": "A2",
      "quantity_available": 1,
      "awaiting_pick": 0,
      "priority": 3,
      "delete_if_empty": true

POST inventory_location

Creates a new inventory location for an existing product

Url format:


curl --request POST \
 --url \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header 'cache-control: no-cache,no-cache,no-cache' \
 --header 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
 -- data '{ "inventory_location": { "location": "A1", quantity_available: 3, delete_if_empty: true, "priority": 1 } }'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

FORM DATA Parameters

Name Data Type Description
location String Inventory Location name
quantity_available Number Quantity available for inventory location
delete_if_empty Boolean Remove location if and when quantity reaches zero
priority Number Determines order in which quantity is reduced from locations when item sells. Lower priority locations are used first.

PUT inventory_location

Updates an existing inventory location for an existing product

Url format:


curl --request PUT \
 --url \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header 'cache-control: no-cache,no-cache,no-cache' \
 --header 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
 -- data '{ "inventory_location": { "location": "A2", quantity_available: 3, delete_if_empty: true, "priority": 1 } }'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

FORM DATA Parameters

Name Data Type Description
location String Inventory Location name
quantity_available Number Quantity available for inventory location
delete_if_empty Boolean Remove location if and when quantity reaches zero
priority Number Determines order in which quantity is reduced from locations when item sells. Lower priority locations are used first.


GET orders w/o parameters

Url format:


# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

 Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

Returns back all the orders. Default page size is 50.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "orders": [
            "order_number": "132886362059-1538935630003",
            "created_at": null,
            "updated_at": "2019-01-07T23:02:55.533Z",
            "purchased_at": "2018-12-14T00:10:56.000+00:00",
            "ship_by_date": "2018-12-14T00:10:56.000+00:00",
            "delivery_min_date": "2018-12-16T00:10:56.000+00:00",
            "delivery_max_date": "2018-12-18T00:10:56.000+00:00",
            "order_status": "shipped",
            "buyer_username": "ellis driver",
            "buyer_email": null,
            "is_prime": false,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "shipping_service_level": "Expedited",
            "shipping_method": "NextDay",
            "address_type": "Residential",
            "ship_to": {
                "name": "ellis driver",
                "street1": "1623 NC Highway 86 N",
                "street2": null,
                "city": "hillsborough",
                "state": "NC",
                "postal_code": "27278-7516",
                "country": "US"
            "items": [
                    "order_item_id": "5c33da5a07b6203f81000887",
                    "sku": "S11LPJMI1BZZT",
                    "created_at": null,
                    "ship_by_date": "2018-12-14T00:10:56.000+00:00",
                    "delivery_min_date": "2018-12-16T00:10:56.000+00:00",
                    "delivery_max_date": "2018-12-18T00:10:56.000+00:00",
                    "title": "Premium Rainbow Color Embroidery Floss - Cross Stitch Threads - Friendship Bra..",
                    "weight": {
                        "value": 0,
                        "units": "ounces"
                    "updated_at": null,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "currency_code": "USD",
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_price": 12.54,
                    "shipping_amount": 0,
                    "warehouse_location": null,
                    "product_id": "",
                    "fulfillment_sku": "S11LPJMI1BZZT",
                    "marketplace_fees": 7.35
            "store_id": "5c1902f207b620090a000026",
            "items_count": 1,
            "amount_paid": 12.54,
            "buyer_notes": null,
            "externally_fulfilled": false,
            "externally_fulfilled_by": ""

GET orders with parameters

Returns back a list of orders that match the specified criteria. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:

Url format with filters:

/api/orders?buyer_name=smith &updated_at_start=2015-01-01T00:00:00&updated_at_end=2015-01-08T00:00:00 &order_status=awaiting_shipment &marketplace_accont_id=5e73df8a584085c98200030b &sort=order_status&page=1&page_size=20

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
buyer_name String Returns orders that match the specified name. Example: smith.
created_at_start String Returns orders that were created after the specified date Example: 2015-01-01 00:00:00.
created_at_end String Returns orders that were created before the specified date Example: 2015-01-08 00:00:00.
updated_at_start String Returns orders that were modified after the specified date Example: 2015-01-01 00:00:00.
updated_at_end String Returns orders that were modified before the specified date Example: 2015-01-08 00:00:00.
order_number String Filter by order number, performs a "starts with" search. Example: 12345.
order_status String Filter by order status. If left empty, orders of all statuses are returned. Example: shipped
purchased_at_start String Returns orders that were paid after the specified date Example: 2015-01-01
purchased_at_end String Returns orders that were paid before the specified date Example: 2015-01-08
marketplace_account_id Number Filters orders to a single marketplace account. Call /marketplace_accounts to obtain list of marketplace account ids.
sort String Sort the responses by a set value. The response will be sorted based off the ascending dates (oldest to most current.) If left empty, the response will be sorted by ascending order_id. Example: Order_date
direction String Sets the direction of the sort order. Example: ASC.
page String Page number Default: 1.
page_size number Requested page size. Default: 250.

PUT order

Updates an order. If tracking number and carrier code are provided, they are submitted to the respective marketplace.

URL format:


curl --request PUT \
 --url{order_id} \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header 'cache-control: no-cache,no-cache,no-cache' \
 --header 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
 -- data '{ "order": { "id": "{id}", tracking_number: "{tracking_number}", carrier_code: "{carrier_code}" } }'

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
id String The ID of the order to update
tracking_number String The order's tracking number
carrier_code String The carrier service used to ship the order (UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc.)

Acknowledge order

Order Acknowledgment. You can acknowledge Google Merchant and Walmart orders, if the order is in Awaiting Shipment status.

URL format:


curl --request POST \
 --url{order_id}/acknowledge \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header 'cache-control: no-cache,no-cache,no-cache' \
 --header 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \

URL Parameters

Name Data Type Description
ORDER_ID String The ID of the order to acknowledge


GET User

Get user information for the specified ID.

Url format:


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN'

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "user": {
    "id": "11n50d2c7305811ea5f3e450",
    "name": "Nizar Noorani",
    "client_name": "SC-Client",
    "user_type": "client",
    "push_notifications": {
      "order_created": [
    "role": "super_user"

PUT user

Updates the user for the specified ID.

Url format:


curl -X PATCH \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'token: YOUR-TOKEN' \
  -d '{
    "user": {
        "push_notifications": {"order_created": ["MARKETPLACE_ACCOUNT_ID", "ANOTHER_MARKETPLACE_ACCOUNT_ID"]}

Make sure to replace `YOUR-TOKEN` with your API key token.


Name Data Type Description
name String The full name of the user
push_notifications Hash Hash of values for notification settings containing allowed marketplace ids. Pass-in empty string to clear out marketplace ids for a given notification. Ex: { "order_created": [""] }


PUT variant

Updates the variant for the specified ID.


curl --location --request PUT '{product_id}/variants/{id}' \
--header 'token: token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: ahoy_visitor=3afba32c-6f81-4a76-8339-b554a3efeca1' \
--data-raw '{
    "quantity_available": 15


Name Data Type Description
option1_value String Variant option
option2_value String Variant option
option3_value String Variant option
option4_value String Variant option
retail_price Float Retail price of variant
sku String Variant sku
alt_sku String Variant alternated sku
upc String Variant barcode Example: S85583546.
asin String Variant asin Example: B07G22S48Q.
quantity Integer Variant quantity
quantity_available Integer Variant available quantity

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "variant": {
        "id": "61c056275e8edd0b21ffb1f4",
        "option1_name": "Color",
        "option1_value": "1",
        "option2_name": "Accent Color",
        "option2_value": "2",
        "option3_name": null,
        "option3_value": null,
        "option4_name": null,
        "option4_value": null,
        "sku": "13eree3",
        "alt_sku": "",
        "position": 3,
        "title": null,
        "upc": "789862014669",
        "asin": "",
        "item_location": null,
        "quantity_available": 15,
        "retail_price": 30.0,
        "weight_in_pounds": 0.0,
        "inventory_locations": [
                "id": "61d2ac985e8edd1946e8fa1f",
                "location": "ASFEF",
                "quantity_available": 15,
                "awaiting_pick": 0,
                "priority": 1,
                "delete_if_empty": null


The SellerChamp API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
409 Conflict -- Previous request still in progress. Please wait a bit and try again later.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.